It is our pleasure to invite you to the “Istanbul Spine Masters 2025” which will be held at the Uskudar University and NP Brain Hospital in Istanbul between April 24-27, 2025.

This scientific/educational event consist of the 8th Istanbul Spine Masters meeting, the International Academy of Spine (IAS) Cervical Disc Herniation Consensus Meeting, the Middle East Spine Society's Module 2 of Basic Spine Course and Hands on Workshop by Upsurgeon in operating theaters.

The meeting program is just “intense” and full of lectures, results of implementation of new procedures, case discussions, debate sessions, video demonstrations, courses and free papers. We believe that the topics covered in the meeting will be extremely relevant to daily practice of spine surgeons.

We look forward to seeing you in the magnificent city of Istanbul on April 24-27, 2025.

Mehmet Zileli


Mehmet Zileli

Vice Chairman

Mehmet Zileli

Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman


Middle East Spine Society President

Mohammed Zohair

International Academy of Spine Chairman

Oscar L. Alves

International Academy of Spine Chairman

Jutty Parthiban

Organizing Committee

Abd-El Hafiz Shebab Eldien egypt

Abolfazl Rahimizadeh iran

Ender Ofluoğluiran

Erkin Sönmez

Güçlühan GüçlüTurkiye

Muharrem Yazıcı

Numan Karaaslan

Sait Naderi

Salim Şentürk

Sandeep Vaishya

Serdar Kahraman

Hasan Kamil Sucu

Turkiyeİsmail Bozkurt

pakistan İsmail İştemen

Joachim Oertel

Kemal Koç

Masoud Khadivi

Mohammed Mohi Eldin

Richard Assaker

Salman Sharif

Suat Canbay

Ülkün Ünlü Ünsal

Mehdi Darmoul



Abd-El Hafiz Shebab Eldien egypt

Abolfazl Rahimizadeh iran

Çağrı Canbolat

Cumhur Kılınçer

Emre Acaroğlu

Ender Ofluoğlu

Güçlühan GüçlüTurkiye

Hamdi Nabawi Mostafa

Hossam Salah Taha

Ibet Marie Sih

İsmail Bozkurt

İsmail İştemen

Joachim Oertel

June Ho Lee

Jutty Parthiban

Kemal KoçTurkiye

Krešimir Rotim

Masoud Khadiviiran

Mehdi Darmoul

Mehmet ZileliTurkiye

Michael J Faloon

Mohamed Mohi Eldin

TurkiyeMohammed Zuhair

pakistanMuharrem Yazıcı

Nayef Dajim

Numan Karaaslan

Onur Yaman

Osama Arim

Oscar L. Alves

Richard Assaker

Rovshan Khalil-zadeh

Sait Naderi

Salim Şentürk

Salman Sharif

Sameh Abolfotouh

Sandeep Vaishya

Scott C. Robertson

Se-Hoon Kim

Serdar Çevik

Suat Canbay

Ülkün Ünlü Ünsal

Yahya Güvenç



International Participants
Registration Category On and Before February 01 2025 On and After February 02 2025
Delegate 250 € 300 €
*Resident 150 € 200 €
Module 2 of Basic Spine Course 50 €
Hands on Workshop by Upsurgeon 150 €
Turkish Delegates
Kayıt Tipi 2 Şubat 2025 ve Sonrası
UZMAN 7.500-TL
Module 2 of Basic Spine Course 2.000-TL
Hands on Workshop by Upsurgeon 6.000-TL

The registration fees mentioned above include; access to scientific sessions, printed materials, coffee breaks, lunches and VAT.

To attend the courses, meeting registration is compulsory.

*For “Resident” type of registration, it is compulsory to state a proof of residency/assistantship

Module 2 of Basic Spine Course is limited with 15 Pax. Hands on Workshop by Upsurgeon is limited with 7 Pax.

Changes and Cancellation

All changes and cancellations can only be made written.

The refund will be made after the meeting. Please note that name changes are permitted on the basis that written notice is given prior to the start of the meeting.

Refund for cancellations of registration will be made subject to the following deadline and administration charge.

On and before February 01 2025 Full refund excluding the bank expenses
Between February 02 - 28 2025 50% of registration fee excluding the bank expenses
On and after March 01 2024 No refund

Suggested Accommodation Hotel

Saray Mah. Site Yolu Cad. No:20/1 Ümraniye, İstanbul, Türkiye

The participants who would like to reserve room from Mercure Hotel İstanbul Ümraniye,
is advised to visit the mentioned link below.


Course Venue

Üsküdar University

Course Venue Address

Saray Mahallesi Ahmet Tevfik İleri Caddesi No:5 Ümraniye

Google Map Link for Venue

Yapım Aşamasındadır.


Yapım Aşamasındadır.


Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 09 2025

Abstract Submission

The Scientific Programme Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for consideration and inclusion in the programme. Authors must submit abstracts online. Please note that only electronic submissions will be accepted.

General Policies

  • Only original scientific material, which has not been previously published.
  • Authors may submit more than one paper.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Each author will be required to provide his or her login user ID and a password. The online abstract submission programme will allow the author to return at a later time to update or edit the abstract before final submission. However, the abstract cannot be edited after final submission.
  • Upon submission, authors will receive a confirmation by e-mail. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation after submitting your abstract, please contact the organization secretariat.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by an international panel of experts and are handled anonymously. An abstract may be selected for oral or poster presentation, or may be rejected.
  • Abstract submission deadline is March 09, 2025. Notification letters will be sent to the presenting authors on March 17 2025. Details of the presentation format will be included at the notification letter.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the program book.
  • Presenting authors of the abstracts (either oral or poster) are required to register and pay for the registration fee. Failure to do so will result in exclusion from the final programme.

Abstract Format

  • Word limit is 300 words.
  • Title should be brief and clearly indicate the content of the abstract.
  • Author and co-author names, institutions, cities and countries are to be typed in appropriate boxes. Include family name and initials of author(s). Do not include degrees or Professional titles (Dr, PhD, Prof, MD, etc.)

08.30-08.45 Opening: Oscar L. Alves, Jutty Parthiban, Onur Yaman
Moderator: Oscar L. Alves
08.45-09.00 Laminoplasty vs laminectomy and fusion for cervical OPLL Se Hoon Kim
09.00-09.15 Surgeon directed erector spinae field blocks for lumbar post operation pain control Scott C. Robertson
09.15-09.30 Cervical chordomas: Two of a kind Oscar L. Alves
09.30-09.45 Complex atlanto axial stabilization: Techniques that makes it easier Jutty Parthiban
09.45-10.00 Drop head surgical management Richard Assaker
10.00-10.15 Discussion
10.15-10.45 Refreshment break
Moderator: Jutty Parthiban
10.45-11.00 Short lumbar fusion: TLIF vs OLIF combined with MIS screws Richard Assaker
11.00-11.15 Does minimally invasive decompression alone is sufficient for adjacent segment disease? Sandeep Vaishya
11.15-11.30 Minimal invasiveness scale: A novel system to measure and grade destructiveness of spinal operations Cumhur Kılınçer
11.30-11.45 Learning curve for MIS techniques Salman Sharif
11.45-12.00 TBA Kresimir Rotim
12.00-12.15 How to avoid complications in long cervical fusions Michael J Faloon
12.15-12.30 Discussion
12.30-14:00 Lunch
14.00-17.00 Consensus Meeting: Cervical Disc Herniation: IAS recommendations
14.00-14.20 Clinical presentation, and natural history of cervical disc herniation Scott Robertson
14.20-14.40 Diagnostic techniques (imaging and electrophysiology) for cervical disc herniation Salman Sharif
14.40-15.00 Conservative treatment for cervical disc herniation Ibet Marie Sih
15:00-15:20 Surgical indications for cervical disc herniation Jutty Parthiban
15:20-15:40 Refreshment break
15:40-16:00 Anterior surgical techniques for cervical disc herniation Mehmet Zileli
16:00-16:20 Posterior surgical techniques for cervical disc herniation Sameh Abolfotouh
16:20-16:40 Minimally invasive techniques for cervical disc herniation June Ho Lee
16:40-17:00 Arthroplasty or fusion for cervical disc disease Oscar L Alves
17:00-17:20 Outcomes and complications of surgery for cervical disc herniation Se-Hoon Kim
08.30-08.45 Opening: Mohammed Zuhair, Onur Yaman, Mehmet Zileli
SESSION 1 Endoscopy
Moderator: Mehmet Zileli
08.45-09.00 Lumbar endoscopic interlaminar approach: Technical nuances Güçlühan Güçlü
09.00-09.15 Minimal invasive spine surgery: 25 years’ experience Richard Assaker
09.15-09.30 Unilateral biportal endoscopy: Surgical technique, indications and results Rafael Portela
09.30-09.45 Is there a consensus for endoscopic spine surgery? Joachim Oertel
09.45-10.00 Full endoscopic interlaminar approach to lumbar disc herniation and other spinal pathologies Salim Şentürk
10.00-10.15 Discussion
10.15-10.45 Refreshment break
SESSION 2 Deformity
Moderator: Cumhur Kılınçer
10.45-11.00 Adult spinal deformity: Classifications and update Ülkün Ünlü Ünsal
11.00-11.15 Degenerative scoliosis: Factors affecting successful outcome Mohammed Zuhair
11.15-11.30 Radiologic evaluation of sagittal balance Çağrı Canbolat
11.30-11.45 Scheuermann's kyphosis Numan Karaaslan
11.45-12.00 Parkinson disease and spinal deformity Richard Assaker
12.00-12.15 Spinopelvic stabilization techniques Nayef Dajim
12.15-12.30 Discussion
12.30-13.30 Lunch
SESSION 3 Adult Deformity
Moderator: Onur Yaman
13.30-13.45 Robotic-assisted spine surgery Richard Assaker
13.45-14.00 Patient selection in degenerative deformity Onur Yaman
14.00-14.15 How to avoid PJK in adult deformity surgery Michael J Faloon
14.15-14.30 The use of MIS in adult spine deformity surgeries Sameh Abolfotouh
14.30-14.45 Surgical planning for degenerative deformity Emre Acaroğlu
14.45-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.30 Refreshment break
SESSION 4 Surgical Techniques and Technology
Moderator: Ender Ofluoğlu
15.30-15.45 Post-traumatic T3 to T5 late kyphosis: Case series Abolfazl Rahimizadeh
15.45-16.00 Lysis Repair surgical approaches Mohamed Mohi Eldin
16.00-16.15 Pedicle subtraction osteotomy: Indications and surgical tips Suat Canbay
16.15-16.30 Biomarkers in spinal trauma Abd-El Hafiz Shehab Eldien
16.30-16.45 Role of intraoperative ultrasound in spinal neurosurgery Ibet Marie Sih
16.45-17.00 Results of three different methods of local corticosteroid in sacro-iliac joint Hamdi Nabawi Mostafa
17.00-17.15 Emerging role of artificial intelligence in spine surgery İsmail Bozkurt
17.15-17.30 Discussion
8.30-10.10 SESSION 5 FREE PAPERS (8 min talk, 2 min discussion)
Moderator: Abd-El Hafiz Shehab Eldien
10.10-10.15 Discussion
10.15-10.45 Refreshment break
SESSION 6 Cervical
Moderator: Yahya Güvenç
10.45-11.00 Understanding cervical sagittal balance Sait Naderi
11.00-11.15 Level diagnosis for acute cervical myelopathy overlapped with degenerative spondylotic radiculopathy June Ho Lee
11.15-11.30 En bloc cervical laminoplasty for CSM Kemal Koç
11.30-11.45 Long cervical fusions and complications Michael J Faloon
11.45-12.00 Cervical osteotomy classification Yahya Güvenç
12.00-12.15 Artificial cervical disc: Personal experience over 1000 cases Masoud Khadivi
12.15-12.30 Discussion
12.30-13.30 Lunch
SESSION 7 Deformity
Moderator: Salman Sharif
13.30-13.45 Spinal osteotomy classification Onur Yaman
13.45-14.00 Surgery for kyphosis Mehmet Zileli
14.00-14.15 Management of early onset scoliosis Muharrem Yazıcı
14.15-14.30 Decision for upper and lower end vertebra in degenerative deformity instrumentation Ender Ofluoğlu
14.30-14.45 Principles for management of congenital pediatric deformities Muharrem Yazıcı
14.45-15.00 Discussion
15.00-15.30 Refreshment break
SESSION 8 Spinal Tumors and Various Subjects
Moderator: Mohamed Mohi Eldin
15.30-15.45 Metastatic spine tumors: WFNS recommendations Salman Sharif
15.45-16.00 Laparoscopy-assisted sacral tumor surgery Osama Arim
16.00-16.15 Brown tumor of the spine: Presentation of four cases Mehdi Darmoul
16.15-16.30 En bloc vertebrectomy for spine tumors Hossam Salah Taha
16.30-16.45 Far lateral tubular microdiscectomy İsmail İştemen
16.45-17.00 Current concepts on management of spinal infections Rovshan Khalil-zadeh
17.00-17.15 Management of dural laceration and CSF leakage Serdar Çevik
17.15-17.30 Discussion
MESS Module 2 of Basic Spine Course and Hands on Workshop by Upsurgeon
Spine and Spinal Cord Trauma
Moderator: Mehmet Zileli
08.30-08.45 Management of upper cervical fractures Yahya Güvenç
08.45-09.00 Management of lower cervical fractures Salman Sharif
09.00-09.15 Case discussion: Odontoid fracture Abolfazl Rahimizadeh
09.15-09.30 Case discussion: Facet fracture /locking Numan Karaaslan
09.30-09.45 Case with video: Anterior cervical fixation Masoud Khadivi
09.45-10.00 Case with video: Posterior cervical fixation Cumhur Kılınçer
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10:30-10:45 Early management of spinal cord injury Serdar Çevik
10:45-11:00 Intensive care and medical management of spinal cord injury Ülkün Ünlü Ünsal
11:00-11:15 Management of thoracolumbar fractures Mohammed Zuhair
11.15-11.30 Case with video: Thoracolumbar pedicle screw insertion Mehdi Darmoul
11.30-11.45 Case with Video: Sacral and iliac screw insertion Ender Ofluoğlu
11.45-12.00 Case with Video: Vertebral body cage or graft Suat Canbay
12:00-13:00 Practice on spine models
Screw insertion techniques
13:00-13:30 Lunch
Spine Deformity
Moderator: Sait Naderi
13:30-13:45 Principles of spinal deformity Mehmet Zileli
13:45-14:00 Case with video: Deformity correction techniques Onur Yaman
14:00-14:15 Case with video: Ponte and SPO osteotomy Salim Şentürk
14:15-14:30 Case with video: PSO and VCR osteotomy Kemal Koç
14:30-14:45 Preventing complications in deformity surgery Sait Naderi
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:00 Practice on spine models
Deformity Correction Techniques
16:00-16:10 Case Discussion İsmail Bozkurt
16:10-16:20 Case Discussion Güçlühan Güçlü
16:20-16:30 Case Discussion İsmail İştemen
16:30-16:40 Case Discussion Rovshan Khalil-Zadeh
16:40-16:50 Case Discussion Çağrı Canbolat
16:50-17:00 Case Discussion Osama Arim

Op. Cemil Topuzlu Cad. TIBAS Dalyan Konutları F Blok K.4 D.8 Fenerbahçe/Kadıköy 34726 Istanbul - Turkey
+90 216 357 23 23
+90 216 357 23 33
[email protected]